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Marty comes out with the mystery woman (Chelsea Green) who helped him defeat Pentagon a couple weeks ago. He grabs the microphone and announces himself as the new LU champion. Crowd chants for Pentagon loudly.

Marty says that his journey began three years ago when Sexy Star embarrassed his family. So he sent the mystery woman, whom he calls Reklusa, to attack Sexy Star outside of her home.

Marty then addresses Pentagon Dark, who he taunts for breaking his arm, but gloats in the fact that he took his title away from him. Marty then says that he hasn’t forgotten about his sister Mariposa, and wishes to grant her a shot at his LU championship. Mariposa comes out, and that match is next!

Marty the Moth versus Mariposa for the Lucha Underground championship

Marty and Mariposa share a moment before they fight. Mariposa lands a headbutt, but Marty responds by kicking his sister in the crotch. He throws Mariposa in the corner and wails on her with clubbing forearms.

To the outside, Marty tosses Mariposa into a row of chairs. Marty then slams Mariposa’s head off the announce table and she’s busted open. He slams her head again and now Mariposa is screaming in pain.

Back in the ring Marty covers Mariposa but she kicks out. He rag dolls her into the corner and stomps her with little resistance from Mariposa. On the outside again, Mariposa finally gets in some offense and tosses Marty off the guardrail. Marty responds by picking up Mariposa in a powerbomb, bouncing her off the Temple walls, and powerbombing her onto the floor.

Reclusa hands Marty a chair back in the ring. Mariposa superkicks it into Marty’s face. Low-blow from Mariposa!! Marty rolls back to the outside. Crowd is fully behind Mariposa! She grabs the microphone and calls him a “b—h.” She grabs the chair and throws it at Marty’s head. Mariposa goes under the ring and throws almost 10 chairs on top of Marty. Temple is going crazy.

Drop toe hold from Mariposa and Marty hits the chair again. She climbs to the top rope and destroys him with a missile dropkick. Cover but only two!! Samoan drop from Mariposa to Marty onto the chair and she nearly wins the match! Reklusa comes in and kicks Mariposa in the head. Marty takes advantage, taunts Pentagon again, and hits Mariposa with Penta’s finisher for the victory.

Winner: Marty the Moth

Marty celebrates in the ring with Reklusa and the title. He then gets on the microphone and says that his match with Pentagon Dark at Ultima Lucha Cuatro will be a Cero Miedo match. He then breaks Mariposa’s arm the same way Pentagon does. Pentagon comes out with a chair in hand. Marty flees.

Pentagon accepts Marty’s challenge. He then promises the people of the Temple that he will break Marty’s bones at Ultima Lucha.

Related Links:
> Screencaptures > Lucha Underground > Season 4 > 4×17 – “The Moth and the Butterfly”

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